Chad wrote:
Thanks Martijn,

"Well, in the backend you can do things like open a btree index, setup
an ScanKey to indicate which values you want and then keep calling
getnext(). If you set your scankey to (col1 >= 'A') it will start at
'A' and go up from there... "

That looks suspiciously much like cursors. Isn't this what you're looking for?:

OPEN curs1 FOR SELECT * FROM foo WHERE key = mykey;
FETCH cursor INTO target;
CLOSE cursor;

(from: )

I figure the other PL/ languages feature cursors as well, but I've never used those.

Alban Hertroys

magproductions b.v.

T: ++31(0)534346874
F: ++31(0)534346876
A: Postbus 416
   7500 AK Enschede

// Integrate Your World //

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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