On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 05:34:29PM -0800, Alex Jiang wrote:
> I'm trying to access a bit array field that is declared as
> sp1 bit[][]
> When I attempt to access a slice of the array with the following command:
> SELECT sp1[1:2][1]
> I get the error: ' Field '2][1]' is of an unknown type'.

Is that the exact error message?  I can't find it anywhere in the
source code so I suspect it's an error from your client library.

> Postgre seems to think that the characters following the colon is a name for
> a field.

Works here in 8.0.6:

test=> CREATE TABLE foo (sp1 bit[][]);
test=> INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('{{0,1},{1,0}}');
test=> SELECT sp1[1:2][1] FROM foo;
(1 row)

> I am using Postgresql 8.0-beta1 and my application is written in Delphi 5.

Release versions of 8.0 have been available for a year and the
latest is 8.0.6.  Running an old early beta isn't a good idea; lots
of bugs have been fixed since then.

> I access the database through the BDE.

What happens if you run the same query in psql?  If it works in
psql then the problem is likely with Delphi.

Michael Fuhr

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