Assad Jarrahian schrieb:
> Tino, thanks for your response
>>Your schema could rather look like this:
>>documentid,username,groupname  (as real fields)
> Okay, so a typical document can be addressed to any number of users/groups.  
> so
> according to an example with the to field = 'jarraa, postgres, keith',
> some rows could be like
> (1, jarraa, )
> (1,  , postgres)
> (1, keith, )

No, it would look like this:

(1,'jarraa','postgres','keith') to match your original schema.

But it really depends on what you want to solve here.
What data exactly do you have and how do you want to look
for data? I mean, what are the keys?

Do you have a specific "group" and want to see all "docs" for
that group? And then you have a user and want to see all "docs"
for this user? Or is it the other way round and you have
a "doc" and want to see responsible users and/or groups?
And are groups independend from users? Or are users always
in one or many groups? ...

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