OK, I finally have Postgres accepting my stored
procedure. here is the relevant data in the history window of pgAmind III
-- Executing query:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION addEntity ( fn IN VARCHAR, ln IN VARCHAR, ivar IN VARCHAR, hi IN VARCHAR, pw IN VARCHAR, ea IN VARCHAR, ad IN VARCHAR, c IN VARCHAR, p IN VARCHAR, co IN VARCHAR, pc IN VARCHAR ) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE varID INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT INTO varID uid from uids where email_address=ea; IF varID IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO addy (uid,address,city,province,country,postal_code) VALUES (varID,ad,c,p,co,pc); ELSE INSERT INTO uids(family_name,first_name,initials,hid,pword,email_address) VALUES (ln,fn,ivar,hi,pw,ea); INSERT INTO addy(uid,address,city,province,country,postal_code) VALUES (currval('uids_uid_seq'),ad,c,p,co,pc); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; Query returned successfully with no result in 0
================================= So I now go into pgAmin III, and take a look, and I can't
find it.
When I execute the above SQL, where will Postgres store
the function? I see, in pgAmin's main window, several places where
functions are stored, but none of them contain my function.
It must be stored somewhere since I get an error saying
the function already exists if I attempt to modiy it slightly and re-run
it. For example, I noticed I used the wrong sequence in the last INSERT
statement. To correct that, I had to add "OR REPLACE" after "CREATE" to
make the correction. I am puzzled though that I can't find it when I go
back to the pgAmin main window and search through the whole database (after
pressing <F5> to refresh the contents of the windows).
Thanks to all who helped me on this matter.
R.E. (Ted) Byers, Ph.D., Ed.D.
R & D Decision Support Software http://www.randddecisionsupportsolutions.com/ |
- [GENERAL] Final stored procedure question, for now anyway Ted Byers
- Re: [GENERAL] Final stored procedure question, for now... Jonel Rienton
- Re: [GENERAL] Final stored procedure question, for... Ted Byers
- Re: [GENERAL] Final stored procedure question,... Jonel Rienton
- Re: [GENERAL] Final stored procedure quest... Ted Byers
- Re: [GENERAL] Final stored procedure ... Jonel Rienton
- Re: [GENERAL] Final stored procedure ... Frank L. Parks
- Re: [Bulk] Re: [GENERAL] Final st... Ted Byers
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