You can't, you have to double qoute everything that has upper or mixed case. It can become a huge PITA....

The easiest way to get around this is to use lower case for all your DDL
i.e. columns, tablenames etc.

There is no practical reason to use uppercase or mixed case excecpt for purly visual reasons, i.e. it looks nice or it's easier to read.

I use all lower case and no one using my applications ever has to know.

I can see doing the mixed case if you where porting a large database from some other system like MS SQL server and it would be a large task to lower case everthing, but even then it's not that big of a deal to switch to all lower case.

What I have done in these cases is to export the DDL from MS SQL server to text files, then run the scripts in PGLA or similar, if nothing is qouted Postgresql will convert everything for you, problem solved.

Hope this helps,

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql

How I can set case-insensitive the system, or avoid the conversion
    to lower case?
It depends on setting of pgAdmin or on setting of the server? Thank you.

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