
According to several answers, my problem could be due to the 32 bits build.
I hope I will try to make a 64 bits build in January, in order to give you more explanations about the possible errors I will encounter.

I keep preciously your advice, and I hope I will be able to give you an answer in January.

Thank you.
Alexandra DANTE

Seneca Cunningham a écrit :

The person is charge of building PostGreSQL 8.1.0 has done a 32 bit
build and has used the "cc_r" compiler.
This person does not succeed to build PostGreSQL 8.1.0 with "gcc" and 64
bits. Unfortunatly, I don't have the errors or the logs of the 64 bits
build and I can't tell you what error occurs.

Too bad, I may have been able to determine what had happened with the
gcc build.

The build done was realized in 32 bits, with the cc_r compiler.
To build POstGreSQL, a rpm was done and the ".spec" file contained the
following instructions :
export OBJECT_MODE=32
./configure CC=/usr/vac/bin/cc_r CFLAGS="-O2 -qmaxmem=-1 -qsrcmsg
-qlargepage" --enable-thread-safety
--without-readline --prefix=%{buildroot}%{prefix}
gmake -j 4

Do you think that my problems of "out of memory" are due to the 32 bits
build ?
Do you think that I must build PostGreSQL wih 64 bits to solve this error ?

It is quite likely that the out of memory errors are due to your use of
the default 32-bit memory model.  In that model, a single 256MB memory
segment contains your heap, stack, thread stacks, and other per-process,
non-shared-library data.  Switching to 64-bit would stop the errors if
this is true.  It is also possible to adjust the amount of space
available to a 32-bit process' heap with the -bmaxdata linker option,
but the largest heap size that I would consider safe with 32-bit is 2GB
and comes with the cost of reducing the amount of shared memory
available to the process.

Setting OBJECT_MODE to 64 before the ./configure and gmake should result
in a 64-bit build, but I don't have a copy of IBM's compiler to test
with.  I would be interested in seeing the errors output by the 64-bit
gcc build if another build is attempted.

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