
I have 3 identicaly Sun/Sparc SMP machines which are working fine
with Debian GNU/Linux architecture SPARC.

On the first I have Woody 3.0 with PostgreSQL 7.4.5 which is working
perfectly.  The whole Database is around 160 GByte where the main
table is around 90 GByte.

Now I have installed on the second Sarge 3.1 with PostgreSQL 8.0
(coming from Etch 4.0) and dumped the whole 7.4.5 into 8.0.

Now if I chante my php5 scripts on my Webserver to point to the 8.0
PostgreSQL I get only connect errors.

Please note, that I use "hostssl" only.

What are the changes from 7.4.5 to 8.0

Please note, that I am switching currentlx to a new appartement and
I am Off-Line (No internet connection at home) and can only use my
GSM to send sparely messages

Thanks and Greetings

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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