> If you look my 3rd query, you will see that there are no spaces, however:
> select *, length(username), length('potyty') from common_logins where 
username like 'potyty';
>   uid   | username | password |         lastlogin          | status | 
usertype | loginnum | length | length
> --------+----------+----------+----------------------------+--------+----------+----------+--------+--------
>  155505 | potyty   | board    | 2004-08-16 17:45:55.723829 | A      | 
S        |        1 |      6 |      6
>   60067 | potyty   | board    | 2004-07-07 20:22:17.68699  | A      | 
S        |        3 |      6 |      6
>  174041 | potyty   | board    | 2005-02-17 00:00:13.706144 | A      | 
S        |        3 |      6 |      6
> (3 rows)
>        Mage

I am puzzled by the lack of a "%" in the LIKE query. When I try this on 
postgres 7.4 and 8.0 I get no rows when I am missing it; including it works as 

The names have been changed to protect the guilty ;-} but the core of it is 
true -- no "%" means wierdnesses, I think.

gex_runtime=# select gex_clientname from gex_clients where gex_clientname like 
(0 rows)

gex_runtime=# select gex_clientname from gex_clients where gex_clientname like 
 HomeMorgageValues, Inc.
(2 rows)

Could you try your query again with the wild card ?


Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC

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