John McCawley wrote:
First of all, check out this thread:
I had a similar performance issue with a view. Look at my solution and
it might help you out.
i'm not sure that'll help in my case as ta_tokens has a 1-to-many
relationship with ta_tokenhist.
there are various indexed tokenhist columns that i want to query on (in
addition to salesorder_id). none of them will return more than 100 or so
rows. it'd probably be easier to abandon the view altogether (which isn't
something i'd really like to do)
Second, you might want to change your token history status from a string
to an integer that references a status table. If your view is causing a
sequential scan, you're going to end up will bazillions of string
comparisons. I don't know if Postgres has some form of black magic
string comparison optimization, but I generally avoid string comparisons
when I am dealing with a few known values, as would be the case in a
status table.
interesting thought. of course, i'd rather postgres didn't do a full
sequential scan ;-)
Rich Doughty wrote:
I have a view vw_tokens defined as
CREATE VIEW tokens.vw_tokens AS SELECT
-- too many columns to mention
tokens.ta_tokens t LEFT JOIN
tokens.ta_tokenhist i ON t.token_id = i.token_id AND
i.status = 'issued' LEFT JOIN
tokens.ta_tokenhist s ON t.token_id = s.token_id AND
s.status = 'sold' LEFT JOIN
tokens.ta_tokenhist r ON t.token_id = r.token_id AND
r.status = 'redeemed'
the ta_tokens table contains approx 4 million records, and ta_tokenhist
approx 10 millions. queries against the view itself on the primary key
execute with no issues at all.
I cannot however perform a meaningful join against this view. when i
tokens.ta_tokenhist h INNER JOIN
tokens.vw_tokens t ON h.token_id = t.token_id
h.sarreport_id = 9
PG forms the full output of the view. the query plan is
Hash Join (cost=1638048.47..3032073.73 rows=1 width=702)
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer = ("inner".token_id)::integer)
-> Hash Left Join (cost=1638042.45..3011803.15 rows=4052907
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer =
-> Hash Left Join (cost=1114741.93..2011923.86 rows=4052907
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer =
-> Hash Left Join (cost=559931.55..1093783.71
rows=4052907 width=174)
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer =
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokens t (cost=0.00..73250.07
rows=4052907 width=26)
-> Hash (cost=459239.41..459239.41 rows=4114456
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokenhist i
(cost=0.00..459239.41 rows=4114456 width=152)
Filter: ((status)::text =
-> Hash (cost=459239.41..459239.41 rows=3905186
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokenhist s
(cost=0.00..459239.41 rows=3905186 width=152)
Filter: ((status)::text = 'sold'::text)
-> Hash (cost=459239.41..459239.41 rows=2617645 width=152)
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokenhist r (cost=0.00..459239.41
rows=2617645 width=152)
Filter: ((status)::text = 'redeemed'::text)
-> Hash (cost=6.01..6.01 rows=1 width=236)
-> Index Scan using fkx_tokenhist__sarreports on
ta_tokenhist h (cost=0.00..6.01 rows=1 width=236)
Index Cond: ((sarreport_id)::integer = 9)
I have also tried explicitly querying token_id in the view, hoping
to force a nested loop:
token_id IN (SELECT token_id FROM tokens.ta_tokenhist WHERE
sarreport_id = 9);
Hash IN Join (cost=1638048.47..3032073.73 rows=1 width=470)
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer = ("inner".token_id)::integer)
-> Hash Left Join (cost=1638042.45..3011803.15 rows=4052907
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer =
-> Hash Left Join (cost=1114741.93..2011923.86 rows=4052907
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer =
-> Hash Left Join (cost=559931.55..1093783.71
rows=4052907 width=174)
Hash Cond: (("outer".token_id)::integer =
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokens t (cost=0.00..73250.07
rows=4052907 width=26)
-> Hash (cost=459239.41..459239.41 rows=4114456
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokenhist i
(cost=0.00..459239.41 rows=4114456 width=152)
Filter: ((status)::text =
-> Hash (cost=459239.41..459239.41 rows=3905186
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokenhist s
(cost=0.00..459239.41 rows=3905186 width=152)
Filter: ((status)::text = 'sold'::text)
-> Hash (cost=459239.41..459239.41 rows=2617645 width=152)
-> Seq Scan on ta_tokenhist r (cost=0.00..459239.41
rows=2617645 width=152)
Filter: ((status)::text = 'redeemed'::text)
-> Hash (cost=6.01..6.01 rows=1 width=4)
-> Index Scan using fkx_tokenhist__sarreports on
ta_tokenhist (cost=0.00..6.01 rows=1 width=4)
Index Cond: ((sarreport_id)::integer = 9)
Setting enable_mergejoin and enable_hashjoin to off results in a nested
but still forms the view output.
I can achieve the results i need be eliminating the view and writing
the query manually but for various reasons i'd prefer to query a
Any advice is greatly appreciated. i'm starting to wonder if the using
a view in this instance is futile.
Many thanks
- Rich Doughty
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