Hi, you need to increase maintenance_work_mem in postgresql.conf file.
http://www.powerpostgresql.com/Downloads/annotated_conf_80.html Regards Pandu On 12/12/05, DANTE ALEXANDRA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello, > > This is my first posting in this mailing list and I am a PostGreSQL newbie. > I've posted this message in the "novice" mailing list last friday, but I > have any response. > I hope somenone could help me. > > I realize a benchmarck on PostGreSQL on a 300Gb database. I used the > release 8.1.0. > > I have created my database, which contains 8 tables, loaded each table > and created the appropriate indexes. > Then, on each table, I have launched the "VACUUM FULL ANALYZE" command > as a non-root user. > > This command failed on the last table, the biggest, called "lineitem" > which contains 1799989091 rows (near 300 Gb of datas). > This description of this table is : > TPCH=# \d lineitem > Table "public.lineitem" > Column | Type | Modifiers > -----------------+-----------------------+----------- > l_orderkey | bigint | not null > l_partkey | bigint | not null > l_suppkey | bigint | not null > l_linenumber | bigint | not null > l_quantity | numeric | > l_extendedprice | numeric | > l_discount | numeric | > l_tax | numeric | not null > l_returnflag | character(1) | > l_linestatus | character(1) | > l_shipdate | date | > l_commitdate | date | > l_receiptdate | date | > l_shipinstruct | character(25) | > l_shipmode | character(10) | > l_comment | character varying(44) | > Indexes: > "i_l_orderkey" btree (l_orderkey), tablespace "tb_index" > Tablespace: "tb_lit" > > > Three hours after having launched the command, I've got this error :<> > > <>TPCH=# VACUUM FULL VERBOSE ANALYZE lineitem; > <>INFO: vacuuming "public.lineitem" > <>*ERROR: out of memory* > DETAIL: Failed on request of size 67108864. > > I do not try to launch again a vacuum full analyze on this table. > > Can someone tell me why this error appears ? > Thank you for your help. > > Regards, > Alexandra DANTE > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings