
I am migrating a relativly huge database from postgres 7.2 to 8.0. I
need to alter schema
for sth about 500 tables and twice as many other objects. Do I need to
sth other on a new database than:

create schema ... ;
update pg_class set relnamespace =$oid_of_new_schema where
update pg_proc set pronamespace =$oid_of_new_schema where
pronamespace=$oid_of_old_schema and not proname in(select a.proname from
pg_proc a, pg_proc b where a.pronamespace=$oid_of_new_schema and
b.pronamespace=$oid_of_old_schema and a.proname=b.proname);

where $oid_of_old_schema is the oid of the public namespace.

I didn't found any other reference to pg_catalog.pg_namespace.oid.
Did anybody try something like this?

I examined the sources of  AlterTableNamespace() defined in tablecmds.c
but it wasn't realy helpful.
I will appreciate any help.

Best regards,

Marcin Inkielman

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