am  07.12.2005, um  8:54:56 +0100 mailte A.j. Langereis folgendes:
> Postgresql supports records in the where clause i.e. you can compare
> multiple columns simultaneously:
> > test=# delete from change where id || ':' || datum not in (select id ||
> ':' || max(datum) from change group by id order by 1);
> could therefore be rewritten to:
> delete from change where (id, datum) in (select id, max(datum) from change
> group by id);

Oh, thank you!

I have tried this way, but with a wrong syntax.

Andreas Kretschmer    (Kontakt: siehe Header)
Heynitz:  035242/47212,      D1: 0160/7141639
GnuPG-ID 0x3FFF606C
 ===    Schollglas Unternehmensgruppe    === 

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