On 12/03/2005 05:48:59 AM, Terry Lee Tucker wrote:
RE Gurus:

I have a situation where I need to extract a couple pieces of
information from
a string. The string, if entered perfectly by the user, would look
like this:  DUN: 006235835 SID: KT-3616*

I need to extract the 006235835 into one variable and the KT-3616 into

another. Both "numbers" can possibly be something other than numbers
alone as
in the SID: part of the string above. I have come up with a way of
both pieces of information where, at least in my mind, the key
parameters are
the colon (:) and a space, as in the first case, or asterik (*), as in
second case, marking the end of the string to extract.

I would tend to use split_part() and avoid regular expressions

select split_part('DUN: 006235835 SID: KT-3616*', ' ', 2);

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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