As a superuser I created a normal user:

        ALTER GROUP eden_users ADD USER probauser;

a function:

        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION edenproc_usesysid(text)
          RETURNS int4 AS .........
        -- Note that the owner of this function is the superuser.

I added the EXECUTE grant for a function to the probauser:

        GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION edenproc_usesysid(text) TO probauser;

And then tried to run the function:

# select edenproc_usesysid('probauser');
ERROR:  function edenproc_usesysid(text) does not exist
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need
to add explicit type casts.

Certainly as the superuser I can run the function... What's missing more??? 

Thank you,
  -- Csaba Együd

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