On Thu, Nov 24, 2005 at 10:44:19AM -0500, Berend Tober wrote: > I know that within a trigger function the functin name can be referenced > by the special variable TG_NAME, so I could include raise an exception > that identified its source with a line like: > > RAISE EXCEPTION ''ERROR IN %'', TG_NAME;
TG_NAME contains the name of the trigger, not the name of the function the trigger calls. If you define a trigger as CREATE TRIGGER footrig BEFORE INSERT ON foo FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigfunc(); then the error message from the code you posted will be ERROR: ERROR IN footrig A trigger function can find its name by querying pg_trigger and pg_proc: funcname := p.proname FROM pg_trigger AS t JOIN pg_proc AS p ON p.oid = t.tgfoid WHERE t.tgrelid = TG_RELID AND t.tgname = TG_NAME; > Is there a similar set of special variables defined for "normal", i.e., > non-trigger functions, too? I'm not aware of a way for a non-trigger PL/pgSQL function to find out its name or oid. Functions written in C can do it. -- Michael Fuhr ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match