Tsearch/isepll is not able to break this word into parts, because of the
"s" in "Produktion/s/intervall". Misspelling the word as
"Produktionintervall" fixes it:
It should be affixes marked as 'affix in middle of compound word',
Flag is '~', example look in norsk dictionary:
flag ~\\:
[^S] > S #~ advarsel > advarsels-
BTW, we develop and debug compound word support on norsk (norwegian) dictionary,
so look for example there. But we don't know Norwegian, norwegians helped us :)
The second thing is with UTF-8:
I know there is no, or no full support yet, but I need to get it as good
as it's possible /now/. Is there anything in CVS that I might be able to
backport to my version or other tips? My setup works, as for the dict
and the stop word files, but I fear the stemming and mapping of umlauts
and other special chars does not as it should. I tried recoding the
german.aff to UTF-8 as well, but that breaks it with an regex error
Now in CVS it is deep alpha version and now only text parser is UTF-compliant,
we continue development...
fts=# SELECT ts_debug('dass');
ERROR: Regex error in '[^sãŸ]$': brackets [] not balanced
CONTEXT: SQL function "ts_debug" statement 1
This seems while it tries to map ss to ß, but anyway, I fear, I didn't
anything good with that.
As suggested in the "Tsearch2 and Unicode/UTF-8" article I have a second
snowball dict. The first lines of the stem.h I used start with:
extern struct SN_env * german_ISO_8859_1_create_env(void);
Can you use ISO-8859-1?
So I guess this will not work exactly well with UTF-8 ;p Is there any
other stem.h I could use? Google hasn't returned much for me :/
Snowball can generate UTF parser:
F1 [-o[utput] F2]
[-w[idechars]] [-u[tf8]] <-------- that's it!
[-j[ava]] [-n[ame] C]
[-ep[refix] S1] [-vp[refix] S2]
[-i[nclude] D]
[-r[untime] P]
At least for Russian there is 2 parsers, for KOI8 and UTF, (
), diff shows that they different only in stringdef section. So you can make UTF
parser for german.
BUT, I'm afraid that Snowball uses widechar, and postgres use multibyte for UTF
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/
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