> On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 02:19:28PM -0500, Vivek Khera wrote:
>> On Nov 16, 2005, at 1:09 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >There are a few obstinate anti-open source customers though, that
>> >prevent my plan from moving forward. They've bought into whatever
>> >hype they've read and just simply say no. Now, that said, they're
>> >fairly non-technical and probably had never heard of PostgreSQL
>> >before we presented our plan.
>> how would postgres be exposed to them anyhow?  wouldn't it just sit  
>> behind the scenes of your front-end?
> Backups. You really need to explain pg_dump to the end user.

Unless you include a tool that internally performs a pg_dump, in
binary form, so they don't need to know about what it's doing, and so
that it doesn't show off being a raw text form that will clue them in

Think about any of the apps that used embedded DBs like Faircom,
Raima, and such; you'd need to run some extra module to do a "backup."

If the intent is to pretend PostgreSQL is being embedded, it's natural
for the results to have a shape like that...
output = reverse("moc.liamg" "@" "enworbbc")
"I've seen  a look in dogs'  eyes, a quickly vanishing  look of amazed
contempt,  and I  am convinced  that basically  dogs think  humans are
nuts."  -- John Steinbeck

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