On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 13:01, Andrus wrote: > >> This regex allows email addresses containing two dots without any > >> letters, > >> like [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > That's because the regular expression is wrong: it simply checks > > the local part for zero or more non-@ characters instead of checking > > against the RFC822/RFC2822 specification. Use a search engine to > > find a more complete regular expression (beware: it's long). > > Michael, thank you. > I found correct regexp from > http://www.twilightsoul.com/Domains/Voyager/DeveloperVision/BestPracticesPatterns/EmailAddresses/tabid/134/Default.aspx?PageContentID=2 > > but this needs to be converted to Postgres. It causes the famuous ERROR: > invalid regular expression: invalid character range. > Since text editor find/replace cannot be used to convert it it is probably > not reasonable to waste time trying to make the following code to work in > Postgres. > > Andrus.
PERL REGEX SNIPPED. That's because it's a perl regex, not a posix or sql regex. IF you wrapped it in a plperl function, then you could use it. Anyone know if the PCRE library can handle this thing? I guess I could try it myself. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org