Zoltán Dudás schrob:

> I have downloaded an extension for PostgreSql.
> It contains stored procedures written in C.
> I compiled the neccessary files into an so file
> and I tried to use the functions, but it gives
> an error message when it has to load the
> shared object file.
> The error message says, it cannot locate a symbol.
> I think this symbol is part of the C++ STL.

Yes, that's a member of the basic_string template and the string

> This is the error message:
> psql:/usr/share/postgresql/contrib/proximity.sql:5: ERROR:  could not load 
> library "/usr/lib/postgresql/proximity.so": /usr/lib/postgresql/proximity.so: 
> undefined symbol: _ZNKSs17find_first_not_ofERKSsj
> What should I do to be able to use this extension?

It looks like your .so isn't linked to libstdc++. How exactly did you
compile and link the .so?


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