Does postgresql have any facility to dump anything more fine grained than a database to a text file?

For example, to mention a bad word, MySQL's dump command allows you to specify individual tables to dump - and not only that - you can also specify a SQL query that must be satisfied for a row to make it into the dump file - this is extremely useful for the way that we use our database.

Also - how does postgresql handle foreign keys if you dump an entire database along with the create table statements? Because my foreign keys require that the tables be created in a certain order - MySQL fails on this front - but since it allows me to specify the tables to dump, and it dumps them in that order, I can specify the correct order.

PostgreSQL's pg_dump command seems rather limited in its abilities. Maybe I'm missing the command I'm looking for.



Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic Rochester

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