Hello Travis,

I don't know if there are a Oracle RAC style cluster system for PGSQL but this software that can do something similar, http://pgcluster.projects.postgresql.org/feature.html may help.

        You can always use Slony for replication services.



On Mon, 10 Oct 2005, Travis Brady wrote:


Forgive me if this has been answered before, but I've searched the archives
and the net extensively and have come up mostly empty so far.

I'm working at convincing my firm to implement a postgresql database
Specifically, we'd like to get a few machines running to be more available
and to protect against any kind of failure.

Right now people are leaning toward MySQL and Emic, but I've been
evangelizing for postgres for the standard reasons.
How does one go about setting this kind of thing up?
I've looked at Bizgres and Pervasive but I'm not sure if that's necessarily
what we want.

thank you,


Aly S.P Dharshi

         "A good speech is like a good dress
          that's short enough to be interesting
          and long enough to cover the subject"

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