I have a couple of very large tables that I am querying on that gives the following explain analyze output. If someone can help out with my mess, that would be great.
Thanks, Sean explain analyze select e.*,c.* from u_all_est_mrna c join g_rna_acc d on c.accession=d.accession, (select a.gene_id, b.db_id, max(tend-tstart) from g_rna_acc a join u_all_est_mrna b on a.accession=b.accession where gene_id<200 group by a.gene_id,b.db_id) e where abs(tstart-tend)=e.max and d.gene_id=e.gene_id and c.db_id=e.db_id; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Hash Join (cost=1054997.38..2472083.62 rows=2 width=219) (actual time=122796.024..357269.576 rows=327 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((("outer".accession)::text = ("inner".accession)::text) AND (abs(("outer".tstart - "outer".tend)) = "inner".max) AND (("outer".db_id)::text = ("inner".db_id)::text)) -> Seq Scan on u_all_est_mrna c (cost=0.00..932582.74 rows=24225174 width=179) (actual time=17.384..302484.904 rows=24225174 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1054973.98..1054973.98 rows=3119 width=52) (actual time=11562.968..11562.968 rows=2276 loops=1) -> Nested Loop (cost=1046393.15..1054973.98 rows=3119 width=52) (actual time=11546.931..11558.704 rows=2276 loops=1) -> HashAggregate (cost=1046393.15..1046395.98 rows=567 width=19) (actual time=11546.892..11547.188 rows=276 loops=1) -> Nested Loop (cost=4.78..1046285.32 rows=14377 width=19) (actual time=0.148..11537.307 rows=1854 loops=1) -> Index Scan using g_rna_acc_gene_id on g_rna_acc a (cost=0.00..1049.44 rows=519 width=16) (actual time=0.026..50.006 rows=1139 loops=1) Index Cond: (gene_id < 200) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on u_all_est_mrna b (cost=4.78..2007.57 rows=510 width=26) (actual time=7.100..10.068 rows=2 loops=1139) Recheck Cond: (("outer".accession)::text = (b.accession)::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on uaem_accession (cost=0.00..4.78 rows=510 width=0) (actual time=4.270..4.270 rows=2 loops=1139) Index Cond: (("outer".accession)::text = (b.accession)::text) -> Index Scan using g_rna_acc_gene_id on g_rna_acc d (cost=0.00..15.04 rows=6 width=16) (actual time=0.010..0.037 rows=8 loops=276) Index Cond: (d.gene_id = "outer".gene_id) Total runtime: 357270.873 ms (16 rows) \d+ u_all_est_mrna Table "public.u_all_est_mrna" Column | Type | Modifiers | Description -----------------+-------------------+-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ all_est_mrna_id | integer | not null default nextval('public.u_all_est_mrna_all_est_mrna_id_seq'::text) | db_id | character varying | | seqtype | character varying | | matches | integer | | mismatches | integer | | repmatches | integer | | ncount | integer | | qnuminsert | integer | | qbaseinsert | integer | | tnuminsert | integer | | tbaseinsert | integer | | strand | character(1) | | accession | character varying | | Genbank Accession without version. qsize | integer | | qstart | integer | | qend | integer | | chrom | character varying | | Chromosome, notation like "chr1" tsize | integer | | tstart | integer | | Blat hit start tend | integer | | Blat hit end blockcount | integer | | blocksizes | character varying | | qstarts | character varying | | tstarts | character varying | | Indexes: "u_all_est_mrna_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (all_est_mrna_id) "uaem_accession" btree (accession) "uaem_chrom" btree (chrom) "uaem_db_id" btree (db_id) "uaem_seqtype" btree (seqtype) "uaem_tend_chrom" btree (tend, chrom) "uaem_tstart_chrom" btree (tstart, chrom) Has OIDs: yes === psql 78 === \d+ g_rna_acc Table "public.g_rna_acc" Column | Type | Modifiers | Description --------------+-------------------+-----------+------------- gene_id | integer | | accession | character varying | not null | version | integer | | accession_gi | integer | | Indexes: "g_rna_acc_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (accession) "g_rna_acc_accession" btree (accession) "g_rna_acc_gene_id" btree (gene_id) Foreign-key constraints: "g_rna_acc_gene_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gene_id) REFERENCES g_main(gene_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE Has OIDs: no ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster