I have a psql database (8.01) running on a Suse 9.3 linux server, and I have the same database (8.03) running on winxp laptop. I do updates, that is, add parts to a table on the linux server quite frequently using MS Access, all well and good. I also have pgadmin 3 on my machine for editing the database sometimes, but I find access much easier to add new parts to a new parts table in Access and then update the linux database. I could also add these parts to the local machine the same way, but, I have a work colleague that needs the same database. (Database is used by another program as a parts entry database for a schematic capture program and works very well via ODBC) Other userss have desktops so they access the database on the linux server. The laptops though are taken home for work and need the database to be mobile, that is why I set it up that way. I was trying to figure out an easier way for my colleage to update his database on his machine from the linux machine database. Could do it with MSAccess I guess, but would like to find out if there is another way to do this without MSAccess.

Any suggestions on what would be an easy way to update the database on the laptop with the main database on the linux server? There is only one table that needs to be updated.



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