Richard Huxton wrote:
> CSN wrote:
>> Probably wishful thinking, but who knows - maybe
>> there's something in contrib! I have a bunch of csv
>> data with the field names specified on the first line
>> of the various files. Is there any such utility that
>> will create a table schema using the field names AND
>> look through the data and determine what data types
>> each field should be?
> I'm not sure that's possible in a general sense. Is 123 text or a
> number? How do I prove it one way or another?
> However, if you were happy to end up with "good enough" types (i.e.
> might end up using text instead of a more specific type), and
> know that
> data was representative then it shouldn't be too tricky to write some
> pattern-matching Perl to do the job.
ruby's auto-typing might do the same, w/o having to write


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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