Thanks for the info. I was trying the old .conf files from a database trasfered from 7.54. The tcpip enable is different between it and 8.03. Got it working now with pgadminIII.
Richard Huxton wrote:
Art Fore wrote:

I am trying to start postgresql via webmin, but not having success. I get a message in the syslog "su:(to postgres) root on none"
This is suse 9.3. Could someone tell what that message means?

It just means something is switching to user=postgres from user=root. Nothing too unexpected.
I was working until I added the -i to the postmaster.opts file so I could access it via pgadmin.

Ah - you want to edit postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf not postmaster.opts - turn internet access on in the first, and set authorisation rules for the connecting machine in the second.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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