On Wed, 2005-08-31 at 14:17, Frank wrote:
> Thanks for clearing up some confusion.
>  >>Look in the contrib/mysql directory in the source file (or install the
> contrib packages for your system, assuming they come with that contrib
> package<<

It comes with the postgresql tar ball.  just download it from the
www.postgresql.org site and untar it somewhere.  then cd into the
postgresql-x.y.z/contrib/mysql directory, where x.y.z is the version of
postgresql you downloaded.

> I do not have that, where can I download it?
> This fails to insert records
> > > insert  into category values
> > > (4, 'Hardware - Monitor', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:01'),
> > > (5, 'Hardware - Printer', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:02'),
> > > (6, 'Hardware - Terminal', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:02'),
> > > (7, 'Hardware - PC Laptop', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:02'),
> > > (9, 'Hardware - Misc.', 1, '2004-10-12 10:51:00'),
> > > (10, 'Hardware - PC Desktop', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:03'),
> > > (11, 'Software - PC', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:03'),
> > > (13, 'Software - Network', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:04'),
> > > (14, 'Software - Midrange, AS/400', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:04'),
> > > (15, 'Software - Server', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:04'),
> > > (16, 'Hardware - Wyse Terminal', 2, '2004-10-12 10:50:05');

Yeah, you'll have to do it like:

insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....

If you've got a lot to do (more than a few dozen) wrap them in one big
transaction with begin end:

insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....
insert into table values (....

Note that any errors in the import with begin/end wrapped around it
means the whole import fails.  which is a good thing (tm) since you
don't have to figuring out which rows made it in and which didn't.  Fix
the error and try the whole being;insertX1000;commit again.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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