William Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Allocation of unique IDs that don't collide across servers is a must. For 1
> project, instead of using numeric IDs, we using CHAR and pre-append a unique
> server code so record #1 on server A is A0000000001 versus ?x0000000001 on 
> other
> servers. For the other project, we were too far along in development to change
> all our numerics into chars so we wrote custom sequence logic to divide our
> 10billion ID space into 1-Xbillion for server 1, X-Ybillion for server 2, etc.

I would have thought setting the sequences to "INCREMENT BY 100" would let you
handle this simply by setting the sequences on each server to start at a
different value modulo 100.

I wonder if it might be handy to be able to set default sequence parameters on
a per-database level so that you could set this up and then just do a normal
pg_restore of the same schema and get proper non-conflicting sequences on each

I suppose it's the least of your problems though.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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