Joshua D. Drake wrote:

> You would actually have to have a set. What I believe you are trying to
> do is transform a list to a result set. I don't think you can do that
> without some additional programming within the function.
> Somebody may know of a better way but what I would think would happen is
> this:
> Break up list, insert each value of list into a temp table as a row,
> return set of temp table.

Is there a way to represent a set of constant rows in SQL, aside from
creating a temp table & populating it?  I've had need of this before -
IIRC, something was mentioned about the SQL VALUES construct being

Peter Fein                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 773-575-0694

Basically, if you're not a utopianist, you're a schmuck. -J. Feldman

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