I have the following store dproc but when I run it I am
getting the error ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "(1)" CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "irispermissionget"
line 9 at return next What am I doing wrong? CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
"public"."irispermissionget" (username varchar, pass
varchar) RETURNS SETOF integer AS $body$ declare returnRec Record; begin for returnRec in select cast(irisuserpermission.permissionid
as integer) from irisuserpermission INNER JOIN public.irisuser ON
(public.irisuserpermission.irisuserid = public.irisuser.id) where irisuser.user = username and irisuser.password = pass loop return next returnRec; end loop; return; end; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY
- [GENERAL] stored proc help Jason Tesser
- Re: [GENERAL] stored proc help Michael Fuhr