I have been trying to install postgresql 7.4 and 8.0
with no success. Found what I believe to be rpm's for
my SuSE 8.0 . The 8.0.2 is in /usr/local/src/postgres
and the 7.4 is in /home/wayne/temp/postgres. have the
following directories and told they may be of help
the system tells me that I need libraries I have found
the ones that it has a problem with.
libpq++.so.4    /usr/lib/
libpq.so.2      /usr/lib/libpq.so.2 & libpq.so2.2
libpqeasy.so.2  /usr/lib/libpq.so.2 & libpq.so.2.2
postgresql-libs /home/wayne/postgresql

If I knew where the libraries are to be I can put them
there. I am confused and appreciate the help.


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