On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 15:54, Kevin Murphy wrote:
> I'm using PG 8.0.3 on Mac OS X 10.4.1.
> I've dropped some tables that had associated sequences, but I am unable 
> to drop the sequences.  I haven't noticed any errors or crashes.  It 
> will be easy to rebuild the whole database.  I'm just reporting this 
> because it seemed unusual.
> => \ds
>                     List of relations
>  Schema |             Name             |   Type   | Owner
> --------+------------------------------+----------+-------
> public | seq_SML_sources_id           | sequence | fable
> public | seq_SML_symbols_id           | sequence | fable
> public | seq_TaggedEntities_id        | sequence | fable
> => drop sequence seq_SML_sources_id;
> ERROR:  sequence "seq_sml_sources_id" does not exist

Notice the error message says seq_sml_sources_id doesn't exist.  And it
doesn't.  The sequence is named seq_SML_sources_id.  You need to quote
it to delete it, since postgresql folds case (to lower case) with
unquoted identifiers.

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