Jason Tesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> 1. Our dev plan involves alot of stored procedures to be used and we have 
> found the way this is done in PG to be painful. (ie.  To return multiple 
> record from different tables you have to define a type.

FWIW, this won't be essential any more in 8.1.  See the examples in the
development documentation:

> 2. Also with stored procs it is painful to return mulitple records. The 
> syntax 
> is more complicated than some other databases.  (We are currently using 

What's so hard about RETURN NEXT?  What would you rather have?

> 3. The tools.  PgAdmin does some things well but it is lacking the features 
> of 
> some of the other gui tools.

I'm sure the pgAdmin guys would love having some more help.

                        regards, tom lane

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