On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 22:55, go wrote:
> Hi,
>  After about 2 month of greate work, my database (running under
>  PG 8.01 on Win2000) very slow.Reindexing all tables, Vacuum Full,Freeze
>  and Analyze didn't help(i did it from pg_admin III).
>  But after dropdb and pg_restore it become fast again.
>  (The same database -both very small , about 50 Mb- running under PG 8.01
>  on Linux RHEL AS3 do not need in recreating db = only a dayly vacuumdb)
>  Tell me please what im doing wrong on Win2000?

Are your drives nearly full or have they been for a while?  This being a
windows machine, fragmentation is likely to be more of an issue.  Using
a larger drive / stripe set will help alleviate fragmenting somewhat. 
You'll likely still have to defrag in windows, even with lots of drive
space, unless things have changed in the latest version of windows.

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