--- Peter Fein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi-
> I wanted to use a partially unique index (dependent on a flag) on a
> column, but the index row size was too big for btrees.  See the
> thread
> "index row size 2728 exceeds btree maximum, 2713" from the beginning
> of
> this month for someone with a similar problem.  In it, someone
> suggests
> indexing on a hash of the text.  I'm fine with this, as the texts in
> question are similar enough to each other to make collisions unlikely
> and a collision won't really cause any serious problems.
> My question is: is the builtin MD5 appropriate for this use or should
> I
> be using a function from pl/something?  Figures on collision rates
> would
> be nice as well - the typical chunk of text is probably 1k-8k.
> Thanks!
> -- 

I believe the odds of two arbitrary inputs yielding the same MD5 hash
would be 1 in 2^128.  Even though the odds of collision are small
you'll want to write your query such that use use the index on the hash
and then filter on the text field to guarantee you get the result you
are interested in.


Shelby Cain

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