Hugo wrote:

Hi everybody

I am trying to write a stored procedure that returns a result set but it is not working
this is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION remisiones.fn_get_total_remitidoxprovision1("numeric")
  select rm.provision as provision,
           drm.producto as producto,
           sum(drm.cantidad) as cantidad
 FROM remisiones.remisiones rm, remisiones.detalles_remision drm
 WHERE rm.remision = drm.remision and rm.provision = $1
GROUP BY rm.provision, drm.producto
ORDER BY rm.provision, drm.producto;

If I call this function from the interactive sql of pgadminIII I get this result:
   select * from fn_gert_total_remitidosxprovision(1)
   row    refcursor
   1       <unnamed porta1>

is there a way to display the value of the rows returned, i need it becouse I need to use it in a Datawindow definition in an Powerbuilder app.

thanks in advance


In PL/pgSQL you have to specify structure or records that function will return. For example : SELECT * FROM fn_get_total_remitidoxprovision1(1) AS (provision integer, producto integer,cantidad float);

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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