On 5/29/05, Zlatko Matic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> I must have audit trail of all insert/update/delete on several table. I have
> several questions regarding that:
> 1. Is it better to have one audit trail table that collects
> insert/update/delete of all audited tables, or it is better to have separate
> audit trail table for every audited table ?
> 2. To use triggers or rules ? Example for both ?
> 3. Could someone give me an example of a successfull audit trail solution ?
> I'm running on lack of time, so any help would be precious...

We use the "audit table per real table" approach.  The SQL script to
create the audit trail functions and triggers is attached.  There are
three example audit trail table creation calls right before the

Hope that helps!

Mike Rylander
GPLS -- PINES Development
Database Developer

Attachment: 900.audit-tables.sql
Description: Binary data

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