> The error happens when I try to create other temporary tables.
> Here is a part of my Server Log :

> ERROR:  cache lookup failed for relation 463558
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "CREATE TEMP TABLE Tmp_MsgRxOrder ( EventId int4,
> CodeRef int4 )"
>         PL/pgSQL function "adm_ne" line 248 at SQL statement

This must be happening when you first try to use the pg_temp_4 schema
inside a particular session.  The code will try to remove the existing
schema contents (as indicated by pg_depend), and evidently there is
something inconsistent in that.

What rows do you have in pg_depend that have either objid or refobjid
equal to 463558 or 463559?  Also, get the OID of the pg_temp_4 schema
from pg_namespace, and see what rows in pg_depend have refobjid equal
to that.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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