On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 13:41, Craig Bryden wrote:
> Hi
> In MS SQL there is a concept of Clustering database servers. This allows for
> load balancing.
> Does PostgreSQL have a similar concept?

This really kinda depends on what you are tring to load balance.  I/O,
parallel users, CPU intensive apps, etc...

Using pgpool and / or slony you can get the same basic effect.

Note that no clustering solution can improve both read and write speed
at the same time while ensuring referential integrity.

There are a few other methods for doing this, take a look through the
pgsql mailing list archives and google for other possible solutions.

As there is no single problem requiring clustering, there is no single
clustering solution that will answer all these problems.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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