Christopher Browne wrote:
Martha Stewart called it a Good Thing when Peter Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I looked at Slony, which seems to be a current favourite -but I
couldn't get it working on my database (claimed my tables didn't have
relevant keys - which they do). Slony-I had almost non-existent
documentation which I always find prety unacceptable unless everything
goes very smoothly..

I updated the copy of the documentation that I keep online (URL below)
to reflect the latest CVS updates just yesterday.  I have to say

There are things I would like to be better documented, but the notion
that the documentation is "almost nonexistent" is just nonsense.  And
the problem you describe is indeed discussed in the documentation.

Admittedly, it is not all in the version 1.0.5 tarball, but that's
because a lot of it was written after that release.

Nonsense? hmmmmmmmm

Without wanting to be hyper-critical, documentation that's hidden isn't a whole lot of use. The link in your email to

does indeed seem to have some more documentation, but why isn't it linked from the main Slony site (

Why is this documentation on 'Christoper B. Browns homepage rather than the Slony web pages? The 'official' Slony documentation I had available was at :

and it *really* didn't help with the problems I had.

Having now taken a look at the documentation you reference, it's still not wonderfully comprehensive. The problem I had was that despite the fact that my tables had primary keys the Slony configuration refused to recognise them. The documentation says simply that primary or candidate primary keys are a requirements.

So - as a potential 'slony user' it is *not* nonsense that there was negligable documentation - from my perspective it was a fact and I found an alternative solution.


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