--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just installed the windows postgresql on one of
> the five machines in our office, which happens to be
> according to ipconfig.   I have installed
> pg explorer on another machine which happens to be
>  ....   What changes do I have to make
> in the various .conf files for the postgresql
> server, (and in pg explorer) so that I can connect
> to the server from the other workstation, hence
> proving to myself that I could use postgres on our
> small office network.  Thanks for your help!

Shouldn't you be using 192.168.x.x addresses
internally?  I don't believe 192.0.x.x is a valid
range for the non-routable non-public ip ranges.

Assuming a single NIC in the server machine, change
listen_addresses to "*" in postgresql.conf to listen
on all interfaces.  You may want to tailor the
specific addresses to listen on instead if you have
more than one network.

You'll need to add a line to pg_hba.conf.  As an
example, assuming you have
you'd add a line like "host  all  all 
md5".  That would enable non-ssl connections for all
users/databases and use md5 challenge/response for
password authentication over the wire.


Shelby Cain

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