This is for PostgreSQL 7.4.6 on hppa2.0w-hp-hpux11.00, compiled 
by GCC 3.2.2.  I'm seeing the following 2 errors:

ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for toast value 19319495
ERROR:  unexpected chunk number 4 (expected 0) for toast value 

It is always the same toast value.  The table has 1.8M rows.  
I've identified the column and the row:

$ psql -c "\d audit"
               Table "public.audit"
 Column |            Type             | Modifiers 
 value  | text                        | 
 cdate  | timestamp without time zone | 
 key    | text                        | 
    "idx_audit_cdate" btree (cdate)
    "idx_audit_key" btree ("key")

$ psql -c "select key from audit where key = '791015.o9'"     
(1 row)

$ psql -c "select cdate from audit where key = '791015.o9'"
 2005-04-06 00:00:00
(1 row)

$ psql -c "select value from audit where key = '791015.o9'"
ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for toast value 19319495

It causes all dumps and any access (via SELECT, UPDATE, and 
COPY/pg_dump) to audit.value to fail.  I've tried to look at the 
underlying toast table per some old posts, but no joy.

As usual, this is on a system with a downtime-sensitive customer.  

Any ideas?


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