I searched on goolge and found my answer, I think.
From what I see (below), all I need to do is a WAMP install from one of the CDs in the back of the PHP books I bought, and then un-comment the extension=php_pgsql.dll
Connect to PostgreSQL from PHP
Open your php.ini file (most likely located in c:\winnt), find the section called Dynamic Extensions and un-comment the line that contains "extension=php_pgsql.dll". Save and close php.ini and restart Apache. If the Web server complains and says it's unable to load the dynamic library, you probably have entered the wrong path for extension_dir in php.ini (section Paths and Directories). Another possible -â though unlikely -- cause is that the file php_pgsql.dll isn't present in the extensions directory.
Now you should be able to run the following little PHP script:
$conn = pg_connect("host=localhost 
$sql = "SELECT current_date AS today;";
$result = pg_query($conn, $sql);
$row = pg_fetch_object($result, 0);
echo "Today is: " .$row->today;
The script isn't too exciting, but at least it shows you how to connect to the database and execute a query.

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