One of my associates swears SMARTY is the best thing since sliced 
bread. I think it uses PHP an PEAR, but is more abstract. I looked 
at it and it did some cool things with only a few lines of code.

Being an old dog, I have built many different "libraries" in C 
and PHP and prefer to use them. The last project I worked on, 
we made it so it could be used with MySQL, but was primarily 
designed to work with PostgreSQL. I don't like MySQL, and I 
was the primary developer.

Give smarty a look.

On Fri, 2005-22-04 at 10:27 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > Unfortunately, there is no use of an abstraction layer in SugarCRM, and the
> > few comments I found in their forum about alternate databases indicated a
> > current focus on feature enhancements and sales / services, not supporting
> > alternate databases.
> Scott,
>    Thanks for the insight. Up until the mid-1990s (when I migrated from DOS to
> linux), I used my own CRM written in Paradox. I tuned it over time to do
> everything I wanted, and it was open and used every day. I just never did
> port that to postgres.
>    Guess now's the time. I'm trying to find a copy of pygresql to use, but
> it's not easy ( leads to and there's nothing on the
> page about pygresql). I'm learning python to use on a major project here (but
> the core libraries will remain in C) so I'd like to use that for the UI on
> this project, too. I'm still not sure about the reports, but one step at a
> time. That is, will the pygresql display nicely formatted reports based on
> sql queries to the backend? Need to find out.
> Again, thanks,
> Rich

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