----- Original Message ----- From: "Avishai Weissberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 2:00 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] general purpose full text indexing


I am trying to find a suitable FTI component.

I am aware of tsearch2, but as far as I understand it doesn't really suit my purposes. I want to be able to run a search on a huge TEXT column, where the the column's content is made of words (each 'word' is an email address) seperated by white-spaces and commas. The search should also support wild-chars. Lexemes are not needed, as the 'words' are not in any language.

An example entry would be:
Entries run up to several thousand charaters.

An example query would be:
WHERE column_name like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or column_name like '[EMAIL 

Is there a way to do this using tsearch2 without implementing a new parser?
Is there another component of which I am not aware for full text indexing?

This exact same question (searching email columns) has come up in the past couple of weeks. I tried searching the archives for the reply, but it appears that, at least for me, search.postgresql.org is down right now. In any case, if I remember correctly, the answer was to look at:


Hope this helps. You should also probably try searching the archives, as I think there are answers there.


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