On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 01:34:23 -0500, Madison Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Sugalski wrote:
>> At 12:31 AM -0500 3/27/05, Madison Kelly wrote:
>>>   What I am trying to do is turn off autocommit for one particular 
>>> task in my program. I realize I can turn off AutoCommit when I connect 
>>> to the database but in this case that is not what I want to do. This 
>>> is a one-off task.
>> Set the AutoCommit attribute of the database handle. Pull up the docs 
>> for DBI and search for the "Database Handle Attributes" section.
> Hmm... I've read that now (thank you!) and I have added:
> $acw=$DB->{AutoCommit};
> print " |- AutoCommit was: [$acw]\n";
> $DB->{AutoCommit} = 0 || die...
> $acn=$DB->{AutoCommit};
> print " |- AutoCommit now: [$acw]\n";

Or maybe:
  print " |- AutoCommit now: [$acn]\n";

(Minor typo, may not be relevant).

Frank McKenney

Frank McKenney, McKenney Associates
Richmond, Virginia / (804) 320-4887
Munged E-mail: frank uscore mckenney ayut minds pring dawt cahm (y'all)
    One new phenomenon of our times was the establishment of English
    schools and departments in the universities at about the same time
    as "modernism" arose.  For the first time, we had a specific and
    separate group that was supposed to be exceptionally qualified to
    judge literature, as against the larger, more heterogenous set of
    people constituting the cultural community.  ...  Academic critics
    claimed to be the only ones competent to discuss poetry properly
    and indeed to prescribe its forms, methods, and contents.  This is
    as if a claim should be put forward that only professors of
    ballistics should discuss cricket or football.
                   -- Robert Conquest, "The Dragons of Expectation"

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