Hi ,

 Thanks :-((
 My english knowledge is big handicap for exact explanation......, but

 For example :
 I have a table, that store a production progression .
 All progression schema is predefined respectively  for all different
 product .

         Record      Step  Name                          Date (default =
                    1.     Order
                    2.     Order confirmation                2005.01.11
                    3.     Cutting
                    4.     Painting
                    5.     Burning

 When starting a next step , then the date field change to empty ( from
 null ). The operator see the progression status in the screen.  The client
 program display empty value as 'in the pipeline' and display null values as
 ' remaining steps' .
 This is an example, but I use this way often (one field, in field a
standard or two or three special values  - more explanation  ) . In this way
I can display a plus information without a plus field.

 Hmmm..... My own stupidity..., but no problem ere now.

 Thanks again : Zoltan

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard Huxton" <dev@archonet.com>
> To: "Szmutku Zoltán" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Empty date
> Szmutku Zoltán wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Valid or invalid ... indifferent .
> > MySql can store '    .  .  '  or  '0000.00.00' values  to date field.
> > Formerly I  use Mysql , and now change to Postgres (single reason : the
> > faster, record level transactions in the Postgre ) .
> > My client classes (VFP 6) use empty date values and NULL values for
> > different signify.
> > If the Postgre not handling the empty date , then more complicated
> > my older classes to Postgre for me.
> If you don't want to store dates, you could always use a text-field.
> Can I ask what the different meanings are for null vs "empty" date fields?
> --
>    Richard Huxton
>    Archonet Ltd

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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