Hi Richard
Thanks for your help.
Im stuck on this statement.
Am I missing the '' ???
PERFORM distinct COLUMN1 FROM TABLE where COLUMN1 = ''''|| quote_literal(VARIABLE1)'' ||'' AND COLUMN2 = ''''||quote_literal(VARIABLE2)||'''';
The statement is failing to perform the check in the function.
Kind Regards,
Shaun Clements
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Huxton [mailto:dev@archonet.com]
Sent: 30 March 2005 03:56 PM
To: Shaun Clements
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Postgres plpgsql
Shaun Clements wrote:
> Im finding a problem with updating in PGPLSQL
> Can anyone find anything wrong with this code below. It appears Postgres
> isnt picking up a change in the dynamic first column. So the same column is
> being updated.
> .
> <snip>
> ''||quote_ident(variable1)||''=''||quote_literal(Variable2)||'' where
> columnname1 =''||quote_literal(variable3)||'' and columnname2 =
> ''||quote_literal(variable4)||'' and month = ''''07'''' and year =
> ''''2004'''''';
> </snip>
> There is clearly a need for a debugging facility.
You're not wrong there. However, you can use RAISE NOTICE - something like
RAISE NOTICE ''my vars = % / %'',variable1,variable2;
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd