On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Scott Frankel wrote:

> Syntax troubles.
> What is the proper syntax for using FROM ONLY table_name in an UPDATE
> statement? According to the docs, In a FROM clause, I should be able to
> use the ONLY keyword preceding the table name.  This throws an error:
>       UPDATE FROM ONLY people SET color = 'cyan' WHERE usr_pkey = 1;

It's actually UPDATE ONLY people (I was using the select version in my
message as a shorthand, sorry).

> What is the proper syntax for specifying FROM ONLY in the inheritance
> statement?

You don't need to do it in the inheritance clause, and I'm not sure what
it would do if it were allowed.

> This also throws an error:
>       CREATE TABLE people_history (
>       hist_pkey    SERIAL    NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
>       hist_tstamp  timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
>       ) INHERITS ONLY (people);
> What does GUC stand for? ;)

I think it's like grand unified configuration.  It's the configuration
variables in the conf file and SETs and so on.

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