See the syntax for INSERT ... SELECT shown here:
Instead of doing a nested loop to INSERT new records, do it like this:
For ($period = start; $period < end; $period++)
INSERT INTO chartdetails (accountcode, period)
SELECT accountcode, $period FROM chartdetails WHERE (accountcode, $period) NOT IN (
SELECT accountcode, period FROM chardetails WHERE period = $period
Or if you have some table that has 1 row for each period (call it "periods") then you could simply do:
INSERT INTO chartdetails (accountcode, period)
SELECT accountcode, period FROM accountcode, period
WHERE (period BETWEEN $start AND $end) AND (accountcode, period) NOT IN (
SELECT accountcode, period FROM chartdetails WHERE period BETWEEN $start AND $end
Note to others: see the legitimate use of an unconstrained CROSS JOIN?
Postgres's SELECT count(*) is slow if many records meet the WHERE clause being used. It looks like you're only using testing for 0 or >0 in your query, so you could use:
SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM chartdetails WHERE <where clause goes here>);
This will be much faster since with EXISTS, postgres only runs the query long enough to find out whether even one row would be returned--if so, it stops.
Regards, Paul Tillotson
Phil Daintree wrote:
Dear psqlers,
I need your help!
I administer/develop an open source PHP accounting software project (webERP) [snip....]
$ChartAccounts = DB_query('SELECT accountcode FROM chartmaster',$db);
While ($AccountRow = DB_fetch_array($ChartAccounts)){
for ($PeriodNo=$CreateFrom;$PeriodNo <= $CreateTo;$PeriodNo++) {
echo '<LI>' . _('Period Number') . ' ' . $PeriodNo . '</LI>';
// Check if there is an chart details record set up
$sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM chartdetails WHERE accountcode='.$AccountRow['accountcode'].'
AND period=' . $PeriodNo;
$InsChartDetails = DB_query($sql,$db,'','','',false);
$CountRows = DB_fetch_row($InsChartDetails);
$AccountExistsAlready = $CountRows[0];
if(! $AccountExistsAlready) {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO chartdetails (accountcode,
VALUES (' . $AccountRow['accountcode'] . ',
' . $PeriodNo . ')';
$InsChartDetails = DB_query($sql,$db);
/*Now run through each of the new chartdetail records created for each account and update them with the B/Fwd and B/Fwd budget no updates would be required where there were previously no chart details set up ie FirstPeriodPostedTo > 0 */
for ($PeriodNo=$CreateFrom;$PeriodNo<=$CreateTo; $PeriodNo++) {
$sql = 'SELECT accountcode, period, actual + bfwd AS cfwd, budget + bfwdbudget AS cfwdbudget FROM chartdetails WHERE period =' . ($PeriodNo - 1); $ChartDetailsCFwd = DB_query($sql,$db);
while ($myrow = DB_fetch_array($ChartDetailsCFwd)){
$sql = 'UPDATE chartdetails SET bfwd =' . $myrow['cfwd'] . ', bfwdbudget =' . $myrow['cfwdbudget'] . ' WHERE accountcode = ' . $myrow['accountcode'] . ' AND period >=' . $PeriodNo; $UpdChartDetails = DB_query($sql,$db, '', '', '', false); DB_free_result($UpdChartDetails); } DB_free_result($ChartDetailsCFwd); }
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