I worked around the plpython problem that doesn't allow scripts created on Windows to be run on the *nix server with the following statement. update pg_proc set prosrc=replace(prosrc,chr(13),'') where prolang=87238 --plpythonu's oid in my setup is 87238. I don't know if that is a standard or just on mine.
Is there a way to automate that script every time a plpythonu function is created? I tried writing a trigger on the pg_proc table but it wouldn't let me: ERROR: permission denied: "pg_proc" is a system catalog Is there a way to do this without playing with the source code? CREATE FUNCTION fixpython() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF new.prolang=87238 THEN new.prosrc=replace(prosrc,chr(13),''); END IF; end $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER fixpython BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON pg_proc FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE fixpython(); ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings